Newest Reviews

lloyd litany mass lyrita

Lloyd: A Symphonic Mass, A Litany (Lyrita)

These works should most assuredly be in the libraries of all those who love the English choral tradition [PCG]

friedman live texas rhine classics

Erick Friedman (violin) Live in Texas (Rhine Classics)

A pleasing addition to Friedman’s discography with these first CD releases [SG]

askenase live meloclassic

Stefan Askenase (piano) Live Concert Performances (Meloclassic)

Meloclassic are doing us a real service adding to the discography of this wonderfully sensitive pianist [RCh]

format friction book

Format Friction: Perspectives on the Shellac Disc (U Chicago Press)

A Sebaldian reflection, marred by trendy iconoclasm, on the global phenomenon of the gramophone and its listeners [NC]

herz orchestral capriccio

M Herz: Orchestral Works (Capriccio)

Vital, imaginative works from a near-forgotten German composer [JW]

medtner piano

Medtner: Piano Music Vol. 5 (Private Release)

Another splendid addition to a series that demands to be heard [DMD]

schubert quartets naxos

Schubert: String Quartets Vol. 6 (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) A fine example of interpretation and performance [TB]

scriabin mazurkas music arts

Scriabin: The Complete Mazurkas (Music & Arts)

(Déjà Review) Enjoy Scriabin’s unique and transcendent music performed by a “Scriabinist to the manner born” [DS]